Tabby Biddle, TEDx Talk, TEDx Speaker Coaching

Have you seen other women speak on stage, and thought:
“That should be me!”


SPEAK ON STAGE is a private, 8-week 1:1 coaching program with renowned women’s leadership coach Tabby Biddle to take you from dreaming about giving an influential, culture-changing talk to delivering one on stage. Tabby will take you through a powerful, transformational process to craft your talk, master your delivery, and confidently deliver your message to the world.



• Sharing your idea and touching the lives of those who’ve been waiting for your message
• Creating a talk with impact that has a ripple effect of social change
• Catapulting your career to the next level, and expanding your professional influence
• Becoming known as an industry leader
• Receiving invitations to speak at other prominent events and influential conferences
• Becoming a paid speaker (if that’s what you want)
• Living the life that was meant for you!


What You Can Expect from the Program:

• Gain clarity on your “idea your spreading”
• Break through limiting thoughts and beliefs that have been holding you back
• Learn how to articulate your idea, tell a compelling story, and create a talk with impact
• Be taken through a step-by-step process to write your talk
• Learn the secrets of stage presence
• Break through fears and visibility issues
• Learn best practices & strategies to memorize your talk and master your delivery
• Accountability to stay on track, motivated and encouraged
• Soulful support of your personal process to help you move through any blocks that may come up as you step onto this larger speaking platform


This program is perfect for you if:

 ✔ You’re an aspiring changemaker or leader who knows you have a message to share with the world (even if you’re not clear on what that is)

✔ You’ve watched others on stage and felt an internal voice say, “You could do that one day.”

You want to make more social impact, but you keep kicking the can down the road because you think “you’re not ready.”

✔ You want to have your voice heard, catapult your career to the next level, and expand your professional influence

✔ You want to get more speaking gigs, more media opportunities, and be seen as a leader in your industry


Here’s how it works:

• Intake Interview
• 8, 55-minute Coaching & Consulting sessions, via Zoom (1x/week)
• 3 hours of editorial review to provide you with feedback on your script
• 1-2 Practice Presentations during sessions with notes provided
• writing strategies and assignments after each session to break down the writing process into clear, manageable steps
• accountability to stay on track, motivated and encouraged
• soulful support of your personal process to help you move through any blocks that may come up as you step onto this larger speaking platform


Your Investment:

Two payments of $1295


Please note: I take on a limited number of clients in this 1:1 program per quarter.
Please set up an intro call right away, so I can get you on the books!


  • The focus of this 8-week program is to help you write your TEDx talk and prepare for its delivery. If you don’t have a speaker spot already, during our time together, I can support you with information and knowledge about how to best navigate the TEDx speaker application process. For clients who want 1:1 support throughout the speaker application process, I offer a 4-week Add-On option to this program. If this is of interest to you, please contact me for details.

  • Participating in this program can accelerate your path to the TEDx stage, however it does not guarantee a spot. It is up to each TEDx organizer to determine their final selection of speakers.

  • We will work together as a team. I will be with you every step of the way to guide you and break down the TEDx talk writing process into strategic, manageable steps so you can make the impact you desire! Through our work together, I will evoke the material out of you that is needed for your talk and provide you with detailed editorial support to get you ready for the TEDx stage.

  • Yes, absolutely, this program can be applied to other public speaking opportunities. I have supported my Speak on Stage clients to create signature talks for corporate events, industry conferences, not-for-profit organizations, universities and college campuses. I will customize the program for your needs. If this is the case for you, please indicate this when you book your Discovery Call with me.

  • Yes, this program can be customized to support you with your presentation skills, including confident body language, voice tonality, volume, pacing, and articulation; overcoming nerves, imposter syndrome and visibility issues; and creating a magnetic stage presence.


Are you ready to have a voice on the world stage?


Please Note: This program is not affiliated with TED or TEDx. It is an independent program.